SMP Bridal Bootcamp Week 4 – Almost Halfway There!

Happy Tuesday, ladies! Can you believe it’s already September?! I have no idea where the summer went! Luckily, we’re moving out of swimsuit season, which means that the pressure is off workout-wise — we can all just eat right and work hard without worrying about how we look on the beach, and then, come next summer, just surprise everyone with our incredible married-lady bods! Sounds fun, doesn’t it?!

We’re going full body with our circuits this week, full of intimidating-sounding exercises like “atomic” sit-ups and “axe chops,” but fear not, my dears, because we’re nearly halfway through the program! I am SO proud of you all (and myself!)!

This week I wanted to chat with you briefly about essential oils — and why you should be using them! There are endless reasons to use essential oils, but there are two that are particularly relevant to this program: first, the right blend can do wonders for sore muscles, and second, because they can help you sleep — and you all know from last week how important quality sleep is to the success of this boot camp.

For recovery from your workouts, a combination of the following oils will change your life: chamomile, for its anti-inflammatory benefits, clary sage, for achy muscles, eucalyptus, for any pain relief, and peppermint, to reduce tension. Mix a drop of each with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba, and rub on sore areas to relax your body and get ready for the next day’s workout!

Then, when you want to go to sleep at night, put 2-3 drops of lavender oil on your pillow for the most incredible night of rest you’ve ever had. You will not regret this.

For dinner this week I’m giving you guys my all-time favorite salmon recipe. It’s insanely simple but wildly delicious, and of course, boot camp-approved. Between your intense workouts, essential oils, amazing sleep, and healthy eating, you’re going to feel better than ever!


View Whole Bridal Bootcamp Here!


See you next week!



Molly Winding is a freelance writer and health coach who splits her time between Vail and Denver. She is a foodie, health nut, and lover of books, movies, and meditation. When she isn’t working, you’ll find her spending time outside with her fiancé and their goldendoodle. Follow her @windmol!