Q+A With Hilarious Wedding Podcaster Bridechilla

The Bridechilla has helped thousands of couples plan their weddings. The podcast—hosted by comedian and virtual bridesmaid Aleisha McCormack—is hilarious and full of useful tips, tricks, and inspiration for modern brides who sometimes feel like they might need a chill pill every time they even think about planning their wedding.

“The show comes from the perspective of a layperson,” she says. “I learn with the audience and interview experts, Bridechilla graduates and anyone I think that can help the Bridechillas and Groomchillas.”

Read our interview with Aleisha below!



How have weddings changed in the past 10-20 years? What has that meant for couples going through the process of wedding planning?

“The stakes have been raised with social media and Pinterest. There’s just so much information and inspiration around, which is wonderful but for many couples, it can be downright overwhelming. I talk a lot about wedstress on the Bridechilla Podcast, something I don’t think our parents had to deal with as much….hey it was the 80s, puffy dress, white suit, done.

On the other hand, it’s been wonderful to see couples be empowered by the decisions that they make for their day. The cookie cutter concepts and traditions that don’t have meaning to them are being ditched and they, like Fleetwood Mac, are going their own way, which excited me.

Want a doughnut tower instead of a cake?

You got it.

Want to have you best friend become licensed to conduct a wedding and have him dressed as a character from Despicable Me?

Alrighty then!

Want to use readings from Jerry Seinfeld and Woody Allen in your wedding vows? (we did)

I support you!”

What is the best advice you can give to brides just getting started on their wedding journey?

“My mantra is ‘you should never fake smile on your wedding day.’ If there is a person on your guest list who doesn’t make you beam, ditch them.

Wedding planning is a team effort; you are a duo. I encourage my listeners to do something really obvious. Communicate. Before they book or buy anything, they should know what each other wants when it comes to weddings. What are their must-haves? Non-negotiables? What are details they just don’t care about? This way you’re in it together, and it’s not just one member of the team, running around and getting stressed because the other one isn’t interested.”

What is one tradition you love about weddings?

“Vows. I mean that’s why we’re there. To say meaningful things to each other, to make a commitment in front of our closest family and friends. Really when it comes down to it, you can ditch every other detail of a wedding because that is all that matters. You’ve met your fellow weirdo, you love them, and you want to share that with the people who mean the most to you. Don’t skip writing meaningful vows. Make them you. Add your voices and make those moments count.”

What is a totally archaic tradition that couples should ditch ASAP?

“Garters, however, can take a hike. There is something about a guy putting his head up his new wife’s skirt to remove a shiny piece of elasticated frill that makes me want to hurl.”

There are so many great episodes! For new listeners, what is one of your favorite recent episodes to check out?

“I’ve produced over 300 episodes of the show (all of which are available in the Bridechilla back catalogue) but one of my favourite episodes is #261- 18 Wedding Planning Truths – those wedding ‘ahh-haa’ moments where you realise that getting married requires wearing a lot of different hats. One of which is your inevitable move into becoming a Bridechilla politician, doing your best Frank and Claire Underwood to keep things ticking along but working towards a shared goal of planning the wedding that you want, not the wedding that everyone else wants! For many brides getting that is a Bridechilla breakthrough moment.”

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Style Me Pretty Contributor – Julia Hurwitz is a freelance writer and Marketing Manager based in New York City. Her interests include travel, global craft, healthy baking, entertaining and exploring the outdoors.