Portfolio Spotlight: Greg Finck Photography

You could say we’re pretty giddy about the cool new updates around here; from our revamped Vendor Guide to our sparkly new Portfolios, creating your own personal wedding team has never been easier or more inspiring. But all talk and no play is no fun, so we’re diving into some of our favorite folks’ own Portfolios and sharing all the goodies with you every week, starting with the always lovely Greg Finck. One look at his page and you’ll be card carrying fan club members for life – see more below!

Starting with the gorgeous Cover Images that draw you right in, all the way through the Icons and Description (so we can quickly get the 411 on the vendor) and ending with the Collections of all their work, our new Portfolios inform and inspire. And Greg’s? We’re transported to the lavender fields in the South of France, the historical romance of Puerto Rico and more… all on one page.


Old World Puerto Rico Wedding | One Uber Fashion Forward Bride | Glam French Riviera Wedding