Registry Secrets You Wish You Knew From Zola

Registering for your Big Day?  So. Much. Fun.  But let’s be honest… it’s also a little stressful.  And while everyone you know is giving you some well-meaning advice on exactly what you need, we thought we’d turn to the experts at Zola Registry to streamline the process a little.  I’m talking ah-mazing registry secrets that will totally help you start that new life together. Let’s get started!

Secret #1 – A Little Personalization Goes a Long Way

Creating a meaningful registry is key… and also adds a special touch of excitement to your Big Day that your guests will love to see.  Think a sweet welcome message for your nearest and dearest + cute little notes on each item, so everyone can learn all about your big plans for the gifts they purchase.  Not to mention that with Zola, you can mix and match your favorite items from a variety of locations; from crazy cool gifts to amazing experiences to fabulous honeymoon + cash funds.  Which means that there is literally something for everyone on your guest list… and we think that’s awesome.  Ready to get started? Check out Zola’s Registry Checklist and Starter Collections for inspiration here.

Secret #2 – Group Gifting is Your New Best Friend 

With Zola, registering for those fabulous out-of-the-ordinary gifts is easier than you ever imagined with their amazing Group Gifting option.  I’m talking everything from larger items like sofas and bar carts to cash gifting, so your guests can team up to fill your home with those pricier items that are beyond meaningful.  Plus, they can even contribute to honeymoon excursions, so you can snorkel until your heart’s content or enjoy that couples massage while relaxing with mimosas.  It’s just one of the reasons a registry with Zola is so spectacular.

Secret #3 – Going Mobile Will Save You Time

You can spend your day bouncing from store to store to complete your registry, or you can curl up in your yoga pants with a comfy blanket and a delicious glass of vino and do it ALL in the comfort of your own home.  That’s the beauty of Zola, loves.  From their easy-peasy website experience (click here) to their iPhone and iPads apps (here), curating your dream registry has never been easier… or more fabulous. There’s even a barcode scanner, so that you can add items to your registry anytime you choose, plus browse gifts in 3D settings with their crazy cool 360° Feature.  Oh, and there’s a timeline to totally keep you on track. We love that.

Secret #4 – Psst… You Can Change Your Mind

So you registered for that bright red duvet cover, but now you’re thinking that an all-white bedroom is more your style.  No worries, it happens.  And with Zola, you can change your mind without standing in line at customer service.  Their Online Gift Swap is an insanely clever tool that lets you exchange your gifts before you even receive them OR convert them to credit to be put to use elsewhere. (Check it out here.) Which means that dream home you are planning will stay intact, even if you change up that paint color pre-wedding. Plus, Zola offers Control Shipping, so you’ll be notified when a gift is purchased and can totally decide to ship it now or hold for later.  It’s genius.

Ready to start your totally personal + seriously stress-free + absolutely convenient registry? Head to Zola NOW, and thank us later.  (And psst… don’t forget to follow Zola on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for even more registry inspiration.)

Style Me Pretty readers will receive $25 to spend on Zola when they set up their wedding registry on Zola!