Bouquet Breakdown: Organic New Orleans Wedding Inpsiration

I’m all kinds of excited about this week’s Bouquet Breakdown. Just hearing Kim Starr Wise talk about her thought process behind this beauté has me floral crushing on her. And I think I could probably stare at Marissa Lambert‘s capture of her creation for hours. From the unbelievably pretty palette to the lengthy list of interesting blooms, get the scoop on what went into this masterpiece below!


Organic New Orleans Wedding Inspiration

From Kim Starr Wise… My philosophy is to give my clients more than they asked for and surpass their expectations every time; this is ultimately where my creativity shines through.

When designing this shoot, I had decided it was time for some color. Almost everything I’ve done this year has been sans color and I was dying to create with color! So I chose a color palette that I knew would work well in the venue and was also inspired by the hot pink and white blooming crepe myrtles in my neighborhood. The most interesting part about designing for my clients or for photo shoots, I never really know what it’s going to look like until I start making it. I have all of my chosen floral elements at hand and start creating!

One thing I am doing now more than ever, is designing bridal bouquets with a flat back, so that the bouquet really has a floral still life look to it. It helps to create a dramatic look and I am able to follow the natural flow and shape of a bloom instead of forcing it into a shape. Also, I’ve started using sturdy jasmine vines to help create an infrastructure in the bouquet that gives it a whimsical feel which lends itself to a lot of movement in the piece; both being a must for all of my hand tied bouquets!


Find more Bouquet Breakdowns here!


Floral Design: Kim Starr Wise | Photography: Marissa Lambert