Bouquet Breakdown: Whimsical Italian-Inspired Editorial

Inspired by the idea of a romantic candlelit gondola ride, this bouquet from June’s Whimsical Italian Inspired Editorial, evokes the pure romance of a whirlwind Italian love affair filled with rich hues and lush, variegated textures. Crafted by Krista Jon and Lauren Taylor for Archive Rentals, we have the scoop on this beauty below, and there’s even more form the shoot here in The Vault!

Whimsical Italian Inspired Editorial

From Lauren Taylor…. We designed this bouquet for an editorial photoshoot inspired by a romantic candlelit gondola ride in the canals of Venice, Italy. Our whimsical take on classic Venetian beauty came to life by adding feathery plumosa, blush astilbe, and other delicate textures to accent the rich Italian color palette. 


Floral Design: Krista Jon for Archive Rentals | Photography: Natalie Schutt