Surprise Maui Proposal for Morgan from Survivor + Kevin

When photographer Wendy Laurel got a call from Morgan to do a couple’s shoot for her and her boyfriend, Kevin, neither of them knew yet what was in store for that special day… A surprise proposal! Luckily, Wendy was there to capture the adorable couple in all their newly-engaged bliss, and was sweet enough to share all the snaps with us in the gallery here!

From Wendy LaurelIf you ever watched Survivor — the Beauty vs. Brains series, you might not expect that Morgan is as sweet and soft spoken as she is. We all knew she was beautiful though. Morgan and her boyfriend, Kevin, headed out to Maui for a little vacation. She called me up and scheduled a fun couple’s shoot. Little did she knew that Kevin was going to propose on that same day. She said YES of course!

The wind was blowing, the sun was in and out of the clouds, the surf was loud… all in all, a pretty typical beach day on the upper west side of Maui. Morgan and Kevin are so in love and so sweet with each other. It was such a fun time shooting them together.

Photography: Wendy Laurel | Location: Kapalua Beach, Maui