Announcing the 2013 Jose Villa Workshop in Napa Valley

It’s always a good day when we get to announce a Jose Villa Workshop. Because when a learning extravaganza like this comes along, it’s an experience that’s not to be missed. I’m talking two jam-packed days alongside Jose Villa, Ariella Chezar, Joel Serrato, Mar Romero and Laurie Arons, as they share the ins and outs of the industry. And set in stunning Napa Valley, California, I’m more than tempted to hop a plane and head myself.

To give you an idea of all that’s in store, take a peek at one of our favorite past Jose workshops…

Dates: September 17-18, 2013

Location: Aetna Springs

Investment:  $3200

For more details and to register, head right over here!


Workshop Logo: Julie Song Ink