Rottnest Island Engagement Session + Film from Ben Yew Photography + Film

Ben Yew makes my day. It never fails. When I see his name appear in our submissions, I would be lying if I said I didn’t rush to open whatever he sent our way. Because I know when I do, I get to unwrap love stories captured in the sweetest of fashions. Where every moment seems magical. And this e-sesh? Well, it made me renew my membership, once again, to the Ben Yew fan club. It’s perfection, and you can see it all here.

Oh, and Ben Yew does film too. Can you say swooonnn?


From Ben Yew Photography + FilmKale and Sam’s engagement session was captured in Rottnest Island, Fremantle, Western Australia. It was an awesome themed venue. The tiny creature that you see its called Quakka, its the only place you can see this animal. We started from Fremantle when their very nice boat arrived at the jetty, we then went on and head towards Rottnest Island. Although it was pretty crowded that day because of some event, but we still manage to find some nice spots of photos. I love this series because of the different variation of colours. Also, not forgetting Sam’s awesome outfit that suits the theme very well.


Photography + Cinematography: Ben Yew Photography + Film