BBJ Linen: Pin It to Win It Contest

It’s the holidays, and we know that means you’ve got a list a mile long of things to do, presents to buy, and cheer to spread. And because time doesn’t pause for Old Saint Nick, my guess is that you’re ALSO planning your big day – and you’ve probably got visions of sparkly table linens dancing in your head. How awesome would it be to cross the linen rental off your list, and not have to check it twice? Our extra fabulous LBBer BBJ is giving away $200 worth of linens in their Pin It to Win It contest, and we absolutely had to let our favorite people in on the scoop…

We absolutely love everything BBJ has in their closet. Be it the sparkliest of the sparkly for your glam soiree, or something a bit more muted and just as chic for your simple fête, BBJ has it all. And they’re giving it away to one lucky winner. Make sure to pop over here for the details… but do it quickly my loves! Because when the ball drops on 2012, the contest is up and a winner will be chosen. Good luck! xoxo

Linen Rentals: BBJ