Eaglewood Resort Highlight Film from Loudbyte Cinematography

Good Morning, LBBers! I hope you are thoroughly enjoying your Saturday thus far. I’ve got something to share with you, and I will guarantee that you will be enjoying your Saturday a lot more after watching it. A fantastic highlight film from Loudbyte Cinematography, filled with so much emotion, you will not be able to stop yourself from grinning ear to ear – and possibly even shedding a tear or two. The couple was separated by oceans and land, but was finally able to come together to wed on a romantic, rainy Illinois day. Click here for the full image gallery!

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106,000 Miles….A Wedding Trailer from Loudbyte Cinematography on Vimeo.

From Loudbyte Cinematography … 106,000 Miles is a wedding trailer starring Angela + Phil. As is the custom in many chinese weddings, the groom must go through many challenges or ‘door games’ before he gets to see the bride. The door games are hilarious! Phil had to do push-ups while speaking Cantonese!

From the bride … Rewind. September 26, 2006.  It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon and we are off to our first date to the Chicago Botanical Gardens.  Phil, like the laid-back guy he is, rolls up in his car wearing a polo and jeans.  I, like the high-maintenance girl I am, click-clock to his car in my high pale pink heels and a summer dress.  Our story didn’t seem likely but it soon became full of love and mutual respect.  Fast forward.  May 28, 2011.  It is a wet and rainy day but probably one of the best days of our lives because today is the day we say “I do.”  After traveling over 106,000 miles for each other from Chicago to San Francisco and then separating again for 10 months for my visa, we finally made it.

Ceremony & Reception: Eaglewood Resort & Spa /Wedding Coordinator: Sweetchic Events / Cake: Lutz Cafe / DJ: Spin Productions / Shoes: Nina / Florist: Vale of Enna Flowers / Groom’s Watch: Mont Blanc / Cinematography: Loudbyte Cinematography