Save The Date Video by Mallory Berry

I can’t even handle this adorableness. There is something about stop-motion that makes me nostalgic (maybe because of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?), and puts a huge goofy grin on my face. Well, this Save the Date video from Mallory Berry is just the reason why I love them so much. Seriously can this get cuter? Correct answer: No it cannot. But don’t just take my word for it – take a little looksee for yourself!

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From the Bride…I wanted to share my Save the Date video. It was created by Mallory Berry. She’s based in Arkansas, and I live in California the amazing thing is the stop-motion object videos can be shot on location in Arkansas without  ever even meeting! Mallory was super great and all of our correspondence was via email which was super convenient for me.

Videography: Mallory Berry