Inspire Me Pretty Illinois!

The other local blog lovers in New York, Australia and Georgia have had their chance at inspiring us pretty with their board building skills, and now it’s your turn Illinois! We are borderline obsessed with our Inspiration Board Builder, and we look for just about any chance we can to play around with all the pretty images on SMP. It never hurts to day dream a bit right? So day dream we shall, and today I’m dreaming of an eclectic Chicago chic wedding (go with me on this one…) with loads of style and lots of spunk. Think modern meets whimsy meets a classic good time. What do you think? Well it’s your turn to show me your dream Illinois wedding – just whip up a pretty little board (or whip up five pretty little boards – we don’t judge) using our Inspiration Board Builder, TAG your board Inspire Me Pretty ILLINOIS, and we’ll pick a winner next week!

So what do you think of eclectic Chicago chic? What does your Illinois affair look like? I want to see! So be sure to use the new board builder and TAG your board Inspire Me Pretty ILLINOIS so we can easily find your masterpiece.  I’ll announce the winner next week!