Fort Lauderdale Engagement Session by 13:13 Photography

How adorable are these two?  For a couple of self-proclaimed camera shy lovebirds they sure do light up the screen with their infectious grins.  It might have taken some fun props to ease them into the engagement session but by the end they were obviously having a blast.  13:13 Photography does have a way of putting their couples at ease and letting their true love shine.  Click here to see the full gallery!

Click here to see the entire gallery of images!

From 13:13 PhotographyWe met Sid and Derek down by the New River Inn in Fort Lauderdale to capture them in all their cuteness. They are both teachers…Sidnaya helps the visually impaired and Derek teaches history. They are self-admittedly camera-shy, so we thought a few props would be a good way to get their minds of the cameras. By the end of the session they were complete pros plus we always feel the best prop to have, is your soul mate.

Photography: 13:13 Photography