Washington Wedding by Missy Cochran, II

I wish you could know just how happy I am to be featuring this wedding today. It’s reminding me of the pure elegance behind a wedding, the simple and yet totally gorgeous way a traditional wedding can be interpreted. And Missy Cochran photographed it to perfection.

click here to see the whole beautiful wedding in the gallery

gorgeous photography by Missy Cochran

We both love wine and really enjoy going wine tasting with family and friends. Since several of our guests were coming from all areas around the country, we wanted to find a location that would showcase what the Pacific Northwest had to offer. We stumbled upon Gorge Crest Vineyards on our quest to find a new and different wedding venue. The vineyard featured a barn with a room perfect for dinner, a courtyard perfect for cocktails and dancing, and a stunning view of Mt. Hood that was perfect for the ceremony. A pear orchard lines the long driveway up to the property, an unexpected natural element that we ended up incorporating into our décor.

The ceremony was especially personal to both of us. In 2005, we both experienced the loss of Kyle’s dad to melanoma about a year after we started dating. Then again, in 2007, we lost my grandfather to lung cancer. Both were a huge part of our lives. One of Kyle’s dad’s best friends, also a Pastor at their family church, performed our ceremony and incorporated both of their memories into his remarks.