California Wedding by Zoom Photography II

Elaine has so much more goodness to share with you this morning, but I wanted to put a quick note up that we just posted a Twitter Etiquette Guide over on BACKSTAGE, that is full of twitter-ific advice. Ok, back the ridiculously gorgeous wedding at hand!

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Sent to us by LBB member and photographer extraordinare, Lauri Levenfeld of Zoom Photography this wedding is filled to the brim with steal-worthy ideas and inspiration. But I think it might be the beautiful, rich fall colors that make this wedding so completely delightful. Well, that and of course, the adorable couple.

From the beautiful bride…

For dinner, we wanted our family and friends to feel like they were at a special dinner party in someone’s backyard (albeit, a very gorgeous one). We loved the cozy feel of rustic wooden farm tables and created our own unique place settings by mixing and matching various vintage plates, glasses and flatware. Jennifer at Lush created the most gorgeous centerpieces using a mixture of green, rustic urns and various sized glass jars. We wanted everything to look thought-out, but not overdone.

We worked with Dauphine Press to create beautiful, eco-friendly letterpress invitations, as well as stationery for the wedding day. We carried a rustic, orange floral design through the programs, menu cards and escort cards. On the back of each person’s escort card was a special note letting them know that we had made a donation in their honor to our favorite charity, the Touch A Life Foundation.

Think wedding is just soooo sweet… and as a (former) September bride, I have to admit, this makes me a little nostalgic. *swoon*. Now, check out these perfect (and pretty) little rustic touches…

Back with more in just a few!