E-Session by Studio Foto

The last e-session that Studio Foto sent us got such a huge response (in large part due to the fact that the bride was a mean girl on Cake Boss but mainly because the photos were so unbelievably awesome), that we’ve decided to post a few more of our Studio Foto Favorites!

This shoot was done on the groom’s family property (nice, right?) in Connecticut where the wedding will be held. Paul and Krystal were invited to spend the day and photograph the couple having fun. Not a bad gig! The property is actually open to the public and houses one of the best restaurants in the area called The Golden Lamb. Pretty awesome!

If you can’t already tell, I heart Studio Foto in a big way. Ever since they photographed my beautiful baby girl, I’ve been hooked on their unique style and approach. Plus, they are super cool, which always makes the experience more fun. Check out their blog for more e-sessions and beautiful weddings!