Real Wedding: Lia and Tony

I hope that everyone had a GREAT long weekend! We are back in full effect here on SMP with tons of weddings and inspirations that are sure to get you back into the wedding planning spirit. First up, a wedding shot by the unbelievably talented John Partridge. This wedding is all about family, all about that great intimate style that the very best weddings always have…

The wedding took place in San Clemente, California at the Casa Romantica (how appropriate) Cultural Center and Gardens. And I have to say, although the bride is a complete knockout and that Jim Hjelm dress is AMAZING, it’s the perfect flowers that really got to me when I saw this affair. The combination of pinks, creams and deep burgundy is flawless….all crafted by Downtown Flowers in San Clemente. Totally romantic, totally girl.

I am mildly obsessed with the collection of family portraits…there are so many, with a hodge podge of different sized frames with little buds tucked inside. It looks almost like a last minute thought that just turned out beautifully and really added a sense of family and warmth to the evening.

So along with the perfect flowers, the stunning bride and her stunning gown, the sweet style of the reception…well, above all else, I heart these photographs. They are romantic, they are timeless, they are utterly gorgeous. Thank you so very much to John Partridge for sharing this amazing affair with us!