A Lovely Workshop, II

We are featuring Elizabeth Messina’s most recent little piece of heaven…A Lovely Workshop, geared at bringing photographers together to shoot a staged, real wedding with some of the most innovative and talented vendors across the wedding industry. In a word, the event was perfection. From the incredible styling to a cake that will make you cry…

The Kenwood Inn, recently named the best hotel in the area by Conde Nast Magazine, hosted A Lovely Workshop and provided the most incredible array of food. Check out Elizabeth’s blog to see the ridiculously delicious pictures.

Gabrielle at Cake Coquette designed a beautiful red velvet cake with details inspired by some of the designs that Viola had incorporated into the printed materials and palette inspired by kiss the groom. The cake was topped was the crown that Elizabeth used at her own wedding. Ahh. Perfection.

So, so much more to come from this amazing event!