Chinatown Fun ~ With Jessamyn Harris

Jessamyn Harris is one of our favorite Little Black Book Destination Photographers. Not too long ago, sh had a contest on her blog. The winner received a portrait shoot … and today, we’re featuring those winners! Mo and Kent’s cute, cute, cute engagement photos …

from Jessamyn …

Mo and Kent are adorable, and so sweet and loving together. They won my engagement session giveaway contest because of their super sweet email and idea:

“… He charmed me with his dimples and soft spoken demeanor, and I somehow woo-ed him with my Buddy Holly glasses and fierce dedication to Bruce Campbell… we ended up eating a late-night dinner at a grimy hole in the wall noodle shop. Like any legitimate Asian eatery, it was dirty, cramped, and after you left the place, you (and your clothes) smelled like the food. It was teeny tiny so there were only two swivel chairs and a counter by a large window overlooking the street. We sat there eating noodles and talking until 2 in the morning, and I knew after that night that I had found someone special… I would love to take our engagement pictures in one of the noodle restaurants in Chinatown… I think it’d be a nice commemoration of that night 7 years ago, and also a fun and kitschy way to have pictures of one of our shared interests: food. Because despite being two very different people, Kent and I completely bond over food… It would also be fun to take some shots in Chinatown should the restaurant get super boring/smelly/uninspiring. We could even expand on the food idea…milk tea…dim sum…pink boxes from the Chinese bakery…”

We had so much fun on this shoot, I can’t wait for their 7/2010 wedding in San Diego!

Mo, Kent and Jessamyn … GREAT shots !!

You can see more of this fun engagement shoot as well as tons of fantastic weddings on Jessamyn’s blog and website!