Blog Love: Artfool

Since we have so many real weddings coming up this week, I thought that we could do something a little different for the rest of the day. I’m sure that it’s pretty clear by now that I truly heart our Little Black Book members. Their work is always so exciting to me. Not to rub this in anyone’s face, but to spend my mornings eating up all of the real weddings, the amazing creations, the endless inspirations that they send me is, well…it’s pretty great.

What I don’t get to do nearly often enough however, is to peruse the Little Black Book member’s blogs. So, that is just what I did this morning. And man-o-man…there is some pretty incredible content out their, waiting to be devoured.

Take Artfool for example…

the stunning photography is by Roey Yohai

Ummm…hello lover. Matt Robbins, the creative force behind Artfool, collects these vintage vases and vessels for his clients to use. Hmm. Where do I begin? That could be the best thing that I have ever heard, an idea worthy enough to hire him on the spot.

Artfool’s blog is FILLED to the brim with wonderfully inspiring ideas that would compliment any wedding. From fun wedding finds to absolutely gorgeous real weddings (and all of the amazing floral accompanyments), anyone and everyone will find something to drool over!

We have more blog love on its way, but in the meantime…check out the fun real wedding shot by Orchard Cove Photography over on the Little Black Book Blog!