DIY Project – Gumball Favors

We have so many elegant, pretty DIY projects on SMP, I thought it was about time for a really fun, whimsical project. How cute are these Gumball Favors?


Clear flat bottom candy bags which can be purchased in bulk from candy store

Lots of gum balls (about 10 per bag). They can be color specific to your wedding!  We purchased ours from

White labels to fit the width of the bag

Clear tape


1. You can have your labels designed or you can design them yourself using a program like Microsoft Publisher or Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

2. After your labels are printed, put the labels on your candy bags.

3. Fill your bags with about 10 gum balls per bag.  Make sure you have enough gum balls to fill each bag evenly before taping the bag shut with clear tape.