Madeline Gardens by Hatch Creative Studios

Barb has been sweet enough to stick around for the day and offer up some of her favorite inspirations…

From Barb at Hatch Creative Studio

We all have different things that inspire us. For me, it has always been my mom who surrounded me with arts and crafts and let me hang soft sculptures all over my ceiling when I was a kid. If you don’t know what a soft sculpture is here’s a link to one similar to one i had.

While my mom is the master of many crafts she has most recently been working on the art of floral photography and it’s her photos that have inspired this next table…

We used my moms photos and aged them which created a nice vintage feel. We sewed the photos to fabric to enhance the handmade effect and placed them in wheat grass containers. I love the idea of being able to reuse these flowers. Thanks for the inspiration, Mom.

Vanessa Lenz shot these pictures for me and if you get a second definitely go to her site. Vanessa’s photos are incredible.