A Real Wedding

I thought I’d start off this week with a bang and show you this absolutely gorgeous real wedding, sent to me by one of our loyal readers…

all photos were taken by the talented pair at Daria Bishop Photography

From Robyn…

I knew from day one when we got engaged that I wanted to get married in a barn. Being from Vermont, when I told people…they of course thought I was crazy. The first thing most people wanted to know was when during the wedding was the milking contest! :)

But this barn is not your typical barn. It is an old beautiful restored Round Barn. My grandfather was very ill before Keith and I got engaged. We spent a lot of time going back and forth visiting him at the hospital. One night ,while staying at this place, I was reading through a Vermont Life magazine sitting on his coffee table and stumbled across an ad for The Round Barn Farm in Waitsfield, Vermont. From that day on I told my mom when and if I got married, that was where it would be.

Of course I think I made the best decision. Our wedding weekend was truly magically to say the least. Not to mention, I felt as though my grandfather was looking down on us smiling that he had found the perfect place for us.

I have always considered myself to be a creative person, but it wasn’t until the wedding planning kicked into gear that I realized how much I could do myself. Of course, it was extremely overwhelming at times :) But I am a frequent reader of Style Me Pretty and Wedding Bee, so that only inspired me that much more.

Overall, I could not have been happier with the way the day turned out. We are still getting compliments from our guests on how wonderful the weekend was. To me that makes everything worth it.

We have more photos from this lovely wedding coming, so stay tuned!