Wedding Gifts by MFlynn

A couple of nights ago, I had the pleasure of meeting two of Boston’s finest…sisters Megan and Moria Flynn of MFlynn Jewelry. They were sweet enough to invite me to grab a bite near their studio and I am so glad that I was able to go! First, let’s talk about the goods.

Megan and Moria work in the cutest part of Boston, in this amazing building that is literally overflowing with artists, designers and otherwise creative people. The sisters design a line of stunning jewelry and handbags that in my opinion, are the PERFECT bridesmaids gift. Honestly. The jewelry is so chic and fashionable, and yet has this throw back to tradition kind of feel.

How beautiful is this stuff? It is classy, but edgy. Distinctive but totally elegant. The girls are incredibly talented and have a level of taste that few can match. If you are in Boston, you should definitely drop them a line…they can help you to come up with the perfect gift for your girls that really suits their personality and style.

Okay, as much as I was swooning over their jewelry line, MFlynn’s handbags are beyond cute. I am completely convinced that these girls are going to be the next big thing. Please look at how great these bags are…

There are SO many styles and colors to choose from, clutches and totes, metallics and patent leathers. Um, yeah. It’s that good. Spend some time today pouring over their site. It’s soooooo worth it!

A huge thanks goes out to Megan and Moria for taking the time to chat with me about their line, their life, their business. I had a blast and hopefully, I will be your first Style Me Pretty customer! And to readers, wait until you hear who the second dinner guest was with us. Check back a little later to find out!