Wedding Dress Donation

Before we begin today’s post, I wanted to let everyone know about the wedding dress donation event that Brides Magazine and Good Morning America are teaming up for. Here is the press release from the editors…

“Calling all former brides! On October 4th, you can appear live on Good Morning America AND help support Breast Cancer Awareness. BRIDES magazine is teaming up with Good Morning America to kick-off a national Breast cancer fund-raising campaign that features donated wedding gowns. If you’d like To give your dress to the cause, email by September 29th for more detail”

Or, if you aren’t quite to the donation phase yet (read, it’s hard to donate a dress that hasn’t been worn yet OR perhaps you still put the gown on here and there, reliving your glory days) not to fret, there are other opportunities for you if you live in the NY area…

“BRIDES magazine is delighted to be supporting this wonderful cause, many organizations support important, needy research, but making Memories grants wishes to terminally ill patients so that, for example, a mother might have access to a video camera to leave a memory of herself for her young children is heartwarming to assist.

We have mobilized the bridal, fashion, style and décor community to host our national awareness campaign celebration and 3 day sample sale, from October 3-6.

We need lots of energetic, enthusiastic hands to help on those dates and over the next 2 weeks as we countdown to the big event. Between September 19 and September 29 we are looking for extra hands to process wedding gown contributions and pack goodie bags for guests.

Oct 1 & 2 we need help coordinating final elements. Oct 3, we need help for checking in guests and distributing goodie bags at the kick off event, 5-10 p.m. October 4, 5, 6 we need help with staffing the sample sale.

The event is located at 122 W. 26th Street in New York. Ideally we need a commitment of 1/2 day or full day time slots.

Please write to: to inquire about volunteering.

We look forward to working with you, The editors of BRIDES magazine.”

We’ll have our regular post a bit later in the day!